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Old 2018-07-19, 01:39   Link #1873
Crazy Devout Fanboy
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: 1st Ra Cailum-class battleship Ra Cailum, port-side officer's bunks
My mainlines are Orchid, D.A.Olivia, and Azazel for longer fights (switch dark Jeanne in there depending on the situation) and Orchid, dark Jeanne, and S.Zooey for shorter fights. Any lengthy fight against a tough boss will likely knock HP down to activate enmity anyway, unless you’re looking for doing max damage ASAP. But the effectiveness of that strategy depends on how much enmity you have from your grid.

While L.Grey can be good, she’s a bit outclassed for damage, especially when you get dark Jeanne.

S.Zooey is good for easier or shorter fights because of her 2nd, but because of the huge cooldown I avoid her for longer ones since her 2nd is really her main thing. Though if you need something other than summons or dispel to get through a blink, her 3rd works for that. For some situations though she can still do great for longer fights.

For longer fights I use D.A. Olivia, though in lieu of being lucky enough to get her, dark Jeanne does massive damage.

But I’m assuming you’ve mentioned all the dark characters you have? (or at least the best ones you have) In that case go with Azazel instead of Joker (I’d put Orchid in first slot though because she multies like crazy) and Grey instead of Cagli, as she helps to knock def down and free up an ability slot, and has poison+delay, all without getting her to 100.
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