Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2018-08-23, 04:48   Link #6302
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Bladezer View Post
Not really, since the company in charge rushed out the Achiga-hen anime
It's her fault anyway. She should have planned it better.

Their backstory got told to us twice though, the 2nd flashback they get, hits the same beats as the first one, instead of having 2 flashbacks that tell us the samething twice, the screen time of the 2nd flashback should have gone to Shindouji instead and focused on Mairu and Himeko's relationship.
The match was framed by Toki's point of view due to her actions, so of course there were gonna be more flashbacks to contextualize why she was making such an inhuman effort to fight Teru when she could just be content with avoiding direct hits and probably get better results that way. The flashback also helped to build up tension.

Plus, the whole Izumi have arrogance despite her defensive play not beating Nodoka in the Middle School championship. Seriously, how she managed to get a big head, when her defensive play was beaten by Nodoka not at full strength, or thinking that she's the best 1st year, despite being on the team that came 4th last year.
Read Toki manga. Izumi was always a cocky idiot.

I disagree, only Seiko is the one who I can find as being deemed as doing badly. Sumire and Takami kept their lead, while Awai was able to comeback. And I still stand by the fact that she would have won if Ryuuka and Himeko didn't effectively have their autowin buttons.
They all lost many points. They're jobbers, there's no way around it. And the only one with autowin button was the monkey.

Achiga did have a strategy though, their team plan, was better overall team synergy then the others, which showed itself in the Semi-finals, when it brcomes clear, Senriyama put to much emphasis on its vanguard or how Shindouji put its emphasis on the Mairu/Himeko double ace.
All Achiga had is the strongest plot armor.
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