Thread: Licensed Hunter x Hunter
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Old 2018-09-06, 06:09   Link #2676
Hu Tao
Join Date: Oct 2006
Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
Disagree here. I feel like he as the creator should do with his creation whatever it is he wants. It's his creation. It makes sense to me for him to want to be the one to finish it. Else it wouldn't be his creation anymore. It also makes sense for him to want to finish it, rather than cut it short. Because if he did, then his creation could never be considered finished.
Then I guess Dragon Ball isn't Toriyama's creation anymore since he doesn't draw the manga with his own hands anymore. Same goes for all mangaka with assistants or manga writer with a manga artist.

There is a time that people needs to admit his limitation, and learn to compromise. It is clear that his current condition doesn't allow him to do ambitious things, and we don't know how much time he had or will his condition get worse in the future or not.

Tell me, which is more regrettable end in your opinion? Manga ended abruptly and forever because the artist is no longer able to work on it or the manga ended at the desired point with the aid of outsiders. How would the fans that buy his books feel when their collection will be forever incomplete?

I don't know how many you guys reading HxH for his art, but I can tell you that I am reading because of his story. I never care about his art that much. So if the art ended up slightly different but still capture the tone of HxH due to the new artist, I won't get bothered by it unless the art is as bad as Boruto manga or worse.

Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
And you stating that "he should just end the manga or hire an assistant" as if it's some sort of absolute fact rather than your opinion is... Pushing your standard on people, as you say.
What lead you to that conclusion? Is it because I don't put "IMO" in my post?
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