Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll My Hero Academia Season 3
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Old 2018-09-29, 23:48   Link #765
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Actually this fight shows once again that the damage dealing and damage soaking ability of everyone varies as needed for any particular fight. Mirio apart from his phasing is supposed to be a normal human but apparently training lets him gets super strength enough to one shot everyone in the class, even rock lad and Midoriya who has tanked hits that shattered walls that he was knocked back against. Sort of like Bakugo still having a jaw after taking a 5% punch from Midoriya much less shaking it off and winning the fight.And before anyone says martial arts they were just bog standard fists to the stomach.

I know that it is common in superhero comics as well but usually you have the excuse of different people writing the fights years apart.
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