Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Goblin Slayer
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Old 2018-10-07, 11:32   Link #118
Miria's #1 Disciple
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Seems to me they can evaluate quest difficulty just fine if a receptionist can know better.
They can ballpark it based off prior experience.

Keep in mind dealing with Goblins could be as simple as offing 3-4 Goblins wandering near a village. The rookie adventuring party actually killed a fair number of goblins, they were just badly outnumbered in a cramped environment.

Goblins really are super weak, but this being a low-powered fantasy setting, really weak is still enough to kill a careless person.

The Sword-wielding kid even mentioned having driven off Goblins in his hometown before, even with his panicked flailing he still killed a fair number of them.

The problem with Goblins vs other "starter" adventurer monsters is that they actually posses intelligence, even if limited.

A Giant Rat is probably physically stronger then the average goblin, but the average goblin knows how to shank someone who isn't on guard, or overwhelm a person with numbers.

To top it all off, on a good day, this newbie adventuring party could have probably cleared that den. It was a combination of arrogance and inexperience that did them in, but a solid number of adventurers survive and rapidly move up the lowest-rank, and probably never deal with something as "weak" as Goblins ever again.
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