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Old 2018-11-16, 12:59   Link #73
2D artist
Join Date: Mar 2017
Originally Posted by Chingaruna517 View Post
EXCUSE ME?! Dude, if you've read some of my posts in this forum, you should know by now that this is an underrated gem that needs attention so much because the protagonist is not a love-oblivious idiot and would refer to use his mouth over brawn. Not making that better is the translation is scarce as it worst, with even the Chinese Translators are becoming too lazy to translating. I'm the one who do all the work for providing the info here! And never, NEVER, EVER, criticize Goban's work about Oppai being ugly! You're not telling me that you actually prefer the Oppai Size of a Cookie Tray, are you? Last I checked, recently there are few people over are curious about how far the story has become, as I already told them the characters that I've read myself, and the stuff I briefly know the series. We're already at the Four Kingdoms Arc, people! *haling*

I'm sorry, I think I step out of track out of it. Where was I again? Oh right, back to the Michelia part. In regards of mangaka, with Nobuhiko is busy in drawing his own manga series, one would even wonder who will fill his shoes and draw the series...
jokes, yeah bro..if nobody want to translate it, why don't you make an summary so people stop asking unnecessary things and put in on first page. as for goban, heyy, i love big oppais too you know, but goban's oppai is not my things so no no.

let's just say that nobuhiko's art is still suited for madan, at least until new mangaka is confirmed.
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