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Old 2018-07-11, 22:42   Link #9
Join Date: May 2018
Originally Posted by LG-MAX 2.o View Post
Another series that explores people's feelings and sexuality. This is offensive to many otakus, why do not they understand this?
Why so many readers have a terrible opinion about this manga? let's begin with the most obvious point, the same author of GE. Then we have the incredibly bad writing where Sasuga is repeating the same loop over and over, by this I mean using the same character to add cheesy and pointless drama and then go back to the main couple, rinse and repeat for almost 200 chapters without adding anything meaningful.

The author doesn't know what to do with the manga, is resorting to the most mediocre type of developments and just because it has sex on it doesn't mean is exploring sexuality, which is not even the point or the main criticism against this title.
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