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Old 2019-02-01, 12:50   Link #17
7th Order Knight / Hermit
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: St. Celestina
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Hm, something I find interesting is that Sanji said he wants to have Usopp and Franky modify the suit later.... I think I predicted something like that happening when he first got the suit. Well, even if they don't get rid of the cloaking function, maybe they can equip it with an alarm or something that goes off whenever he gets near a woman, heh. Anyway, looks like Usopp and co. will be running into Zoro soon, since they're headed to Ebisu. I wonder if Drake's team will follow them there....?

And boy, Robin sure is in a pickle, getting caught by an entire ninja squad! I like all those crazy designs they have, at least. As for Big Mom, I don't really have much to add to what I said, earlier. I'm just gonna sit back and see what direction this ride takes us next....
I was more thinking that maybe he want some upgrades. Like extended stealth or maybe faster mobility. Additionally, since we haven't seen diable jamble in Raid suit, i bet Sanji want Usopp and Franky to upgrade the boots so it can withstand the pressure and stress of his diable jamble. Or maybe to match his epither of Black Leg ones but still, i wonder what kind of upgrade that Sanji wants anyway?

First time Robin got compromised like that. It seems Ninjas are well-trained to detect espionage.
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