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Old 2019-02-20, 15:37   Link #10
Let's play a game!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Originally Posted by Kanon
In their defense, I guess it's not really their fault. Motoyasu most likely can't read this world's language and had to rely on Myne who obviously lied to him about the seed. I wonder about his other teammates though, you'd think one of them would have warned him. Then again, Myne is the princess so they may not not have dared speak against her.
Eh, the old witch said it was written in the "ancient language". I expect most people wouldn't be able to read it, or have a real hard time reading it (sort of like asking a modern person to read olde English). Motoyasu obviously can't read it, whereas Myne probably understands just enough to get a rough idea of what it says. Myne is a princess, after all, and probably had lessons in the ancient language, but she also doesn't seem the type of person to treat studying seriously. She can browbeat any teachers into giving her a good grade if she messes up, but it's a bit different when dealing with a real instance of the language.

As for the other team members, I expect that most probably haven't studied the ancient language, and thus aren't relevant. The exception would be the witch, who probably has studied some, but seemed the wallflower type — unlikely to press forward to see things for herself, and/or uncertain that her reading was correct when it didn't match the princess's, and/or unwilling to contradict Myne if nothing bad seemed to happen (ie: the group left before the plants turned monstrous).

So, I don't think Myne lied to Motoyasu deliberately, but rather that she took her half-baked education as 'good enough'. The praise for "doing something" (a la politicians everywhere) was all that mattered. The actual work is always handled by someone else.
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