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Old 2019-02-22, 19:05   Link #4
癸亥 (guǐhài)
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
Age: 40
lots and lots of responsibilities as i grew older. back when i was around 20-25 years old, i didn't have
this much responsibilities. when i first bought my house at around age 31 and cars, all of sudden, i'm in a world of bills.

i like to just take care of bills and pay them off every months. autopay some like water, gas, mortgage, internet & etc...
just trying to stay healthy and eat plenty vegetables. i try to exercise and walking whenever i feel like it. waking up in the morning at 6:40am every days and still freaking tire. coffee helps quite a lot in staying awake and active during work. every now and then, i make wallpapers as my hobby and enjoy listening to videogames / trance music.

i played MMO game like Blade and Soul to pass my time and get my head out of things i don't need to worry too much. i have a habit of overthinking every now and then when i'm stress out and depress. i've to relieve my stress somehow overtime.

cutting grasses and picking weeds in the front and backyard. yeah, these kind of stuffs just comes with owning a house + repairing patio and any leakage due to a lot of raining in California lately. i don't usually deal with these kind of things, so they're new experience to me and also give me a lot of stress too. lol.

all i wanted was to work 8 hrs. and go home play my game or make wallpapers. but nope, all these shet and killing me slowly.

but i'm just hanging in there. mostly trying to do my fave hobbies and games to get me out of stress and overthinking. picking weeds from the yards is good work out.
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