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Old 2019-03-13, 15:14   Link #10
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Join Date: Sep 2011
The real issue is that Naofumiis doing as much harm as good. I didn't need to hear from the slave trader that he made business boom for the guy. He can't pull it off the same way that the guys from Ancient Magus Bride could.

And did they just make a Spider-Man reference?

On topic, with Ren it's excusable. He did what he was asked when he killed that dragon. They didn't provision him to clean it up and they had time to do it themselves before people flocked to it. Greed got them killed. With Itsuki... well, yeah, that's his screw up. He had to kill some people to change who ruled the land so he's got blood on his hands on purpose and didn't deal with the root of the problem. Revolutions usually are just done to change who is in the position of power, and leaving behind a resistance group means you just gave them a free army. It sounds like his quest is basically him going to kill the new leader instead (though I might be wrong). And he didn't make sure his identity was known before he did the quests, unlike Naofumi who always reveal his shield when its go time, so somebody stealing his identity could pilfer it. Mind you, the question of who did it is still up in the air.

Ironically, their problems are relatively simple to solve. Itsuki clearly has a super-hero understanding of things, and is somehow even less mature than the others, but if his identity was known then people would call him out on his screw ups. Spider-man screws up even once and you'll have someone on him to go with his guilt. Ren should have been greedier, since he could have used his sword to absorb every bit of the dragon and get the cores as well as solve the problem, but he's a Soloer. Motoyasu is just stupid.

There's no fixing stupid, but maybe someone would place a minder on him?

Last edited by Twi; 2019-03-13 at 15:45.
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