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Old 2019-03-30, 22:44   Link #232
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I'm not sure changing the names is even necessary in the first place. They just do it because they're afraid of potential lawsuits. Lots of official Jojo translations over the world use the original stand names, including the French one (Polnareff is named after a French singer, and that was never a problem).

Not sure why some countries can get away with it and others not. Is it simply a matter of copyright laws being more strict?
It might be because a lot of singers have their names traded marked in the USA. And due to the wacky way trade marks have come to be enforced here that means any infraction the rights holders become aware of have to be dealt with or they can lose the trade mark. So even if they do not want to do anything about it because the use is harmless it could be brought up in court as them failing to enforce their trade mark if they ever have to go after someone who is actually doing damage to them.
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