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Old 2019-04-18, 00:04   Link #40
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Things seem to be moving at a slow pace, but I don't mind. I like the characters and the world presented so far, and what little bits of intrigue they sprinkle in, and I'm glad they're not rushing anything .

It's pretty obvious Toyotomi staged the whole thing to get in Ayumi's good graces, and beneath his "hero of justice" and "flunky" guises is an ulterior agenda that is probably none too good for our main cast. I hope Takuya gets a chance to sock him good at some point .

Man, Takuya has a really hot stepmom, on-top of just being a really nice and genuine person. You've got to feel for her that she's lost her husband, has to take care of Takuya, and do her job amidst tons of criticism and backlash. Not all that surprising when she comes home drunk after dealing with all of that .

Yeah, I also guess the girl in the flashback was a time-travelling Kanna, connected to that necklace which looks like a reflector orb. Although a little ominous that she connects it to her "life..."

So the Sensei is sporting fishnets and a miniskirt because Takuya suggested it? Never take fashion advice from a horny teenager (or do, I don't mind) .

The assistant was in love with Takuya's dad? Man, Dr. Arima was popular. And I guess, depending on the "extent" of her relationship with Takuya, she thought of settling on his son after he rejected her for Ayumi ?

The assistant is having migraines, so does that mean she's effected by the timeline changes like Takuya is? And she's cluing into something going on with Dr. Ryuzoji, although I don't see that investigation going well .

Looks like that reporter is the "do anything for a juicy story" type .
Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
For me a bigger problem is that we still having gotten the MC to actually REACT to having the reflector. He behaves as if everything is as it was before. And this especially should reflect to that slimeball flunky of his mom's that obviously staged the whole assault. We see the MC not liking him, yet the MC doesn't do anything proactive. Like for example keep an eye on the important documents your mom asked you to bring yet the sleaze wants to get.
I'm honestly surprised he didn't use it to protect Ayumi from getting egged, but maybe he just doesn't want to rely on it too much .
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