Thread: Licensed Shokugeki no Soma [Manga]
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Old 2019-06-07, 15:01   Link #19311
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: United States
A bad review form Erina literally could end careers. The cooking community was terrified of her. It wouldn't be just a black mark for a lot them. Their restaurants would've suffered. That's why a bunch of the kids opted to not even bother trying the admission test with her judging.

Azami was using the school as pawns to help his wife and daughter. Senzaemon was doing the same. The citizenship thing is interesting, but honestly is a minor point in the long run. He didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart, but because he was another stepping stone for Erina. They both in the end only care about their family. Azami was just more radical about it.

The Erina we met at the beginning of the series was trying to remove all the "trash" from Totsuki just like her dad (albeit like you said within the rules). If she had continued on that path it isn't much of a stretch to assume she would've removed many of those students she didn't deem worthy. They were invited to the school, but weren't told that they were being set up to compete with someone who could make it so they couldn't work in the cooking industry.

I stand by what I said. Senzaemon is an asshole. Maybe not as big as his daughter or son-in-law, but still one nonetheless.
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