Thread: Licensed Shokugeki no Soma [Manga]
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Old 2019-06-07, 21:51   Link #19320
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: United States
That's such a weak argument in my opinion. By that logic, we can't critique pretty much any fictional characters actions because we're always "bystanders." How can you criticize if you're not in their shoes? For example, Azami was just doing everything necessary to ensure his plans to help his wife and daughter. It was all he could come up with. So I think people are being too harsh to him. Sure he cheated and didn't care about the other students, but family is more important.

It also doesn't matter that things turned out okay. Senzaemon in his own words said "Whatever the cost or sacrifice, I'll make sure there's hope for Erina." He didn't give a shit about the students he invited or their fates. He admitted he was being selfish. The outcome isn't what makes him an asshole. It's the intent.
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