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Old 2019-07-18, 02:21   Link #17
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Elon Musk Announces Plan to 'Merge' Human Brains With AI:

"Elon Musk announced late Tuesday night that the final goal of Neuralink, his brain-
machine interface startup, is to allow humans to “achieve a symbiosis with artificial
intelligence,” and that by “merging with AI,” humans will be able to keep up with AI.
Musk plans to begin human trials on an early version of Neuralink intended to treat
brain injuries next year.

“Ultimately we can do a full brain machine interface,” Musk said in an announcement
that was widely livestreamed. “This is going to sound pretty weird. Ultimately we can
achieve a symbiosis with artificial intelligence. This is not a mandatory thing, this is
something you can choose to have if you want. This is going to be really important at
a civilization-level scale. Even in a benign AI scenario, we will be left behind. With a
high-bandwidth brain machine interface we can go along for the ride and have the
option of merging with AI.”"

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