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Old 2019-07-25, 12:59   Link #58
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Same here. I tend to take plots hard sometimes for some reason, always have. Especially when romances don't work out (and even more so when it doesn't make sense). Part of the reason I decided not to watch certain Shinkai works after reading about them online. I really want to know before I commit myself to it (though it'll be a while before it gets to my neck of the woods). That said, it doesn't take much to satisfy me. As long as the main hero and heroine are both still alive, still harbor feelings for one another, and have some amount of hope for the future, I'm fine. Necessity could have temporarily separated them, they could have doubts to whether they'll be able to make it last, but as long as it ends with an indication that they may head in that direction I'm good. I didn't see any ending spoilers on that ANN review BTW.
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