Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Mix - Meisei Story
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Old 2019-09-28, 11:18   Link #363
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
They lost 1-0. The game was over as soon as the guy on third scored.

Did Touya make a throwing error trying to catch the guy off third? Sad if that's how it ended.

I found this episode rather unsatisfying. We didn't see much of the other characters, nor did we see any sort of post-mortem on the outcome of the game. Instead a bunch of time was wasted (in my mind) on the business about watching the videotape. I'd have preferred spending a bit more time on how the Tachibana family coped with the loss. Or perhaps, in the greater scheme of things, substituting a full episode after the game ended instead of, say, the bowling episode. Too many threads were left unresolved. I realize that's the price to pay for a show that's based on an on-going manga, but in this case it ended very abruptly. Otomi hardly had any role to play, never mind anyone else.
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