Thread: Crunchyroll Granbelm
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Old 2019-10-01, 13:29   Link #377
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
If Magiaconatus hadn't explicitly manipulated Shingetsu her whole life so she would come to that conclusion, I would have agreed with this.

When you recall that fact however, and all the manipulation Magiaconatus did to get it's way (all of which were left as is), this argument loses it's merits.
Magiaconatus might have wanted the same thing as Shingetsu did, but Shingetsu did it for her own reasons. This is explained in episode 11. When Shingetsu left Anna's house, for a moment she wished for a puppet that would appear to comfort her, and it was at that moment that she realized magic was a means to indulge in your personal weaknesses, a crutch for humanity. Even if you argue that Magiacontus was manipulating events around Shingetsu, the conclusion she reached and her decision were hers alone. Someone else in the same situation might not have reached the same conclusions, let alone take the same decisions.

Is doing all of that for some admittedly minor betterment of the future really worth more than helping the people that were hurt by Magiaconatus in the present?
That's for you to decide. I personally think it's worth it. But I don't expect everyone else to think the same, and I'm sure the staff didn't expect that either.

Also, we don't know of Shingetsu could have helped them. Magic is left vague so that all those question are kept in the air. Deliberately no doubt.
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