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Old 2020-03-21, 07:49   Link #229
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Eisdrache View Post
He's saying that this is not the time to be bickering about political benefits for either side. The fact that this thread spends more time bickering about how badly Trump has handled this crisis than actual ideas/initiatives to solve it is all the proof you need how degenerate this discussion has become.

The world needs more idealists.
And there's going to be even less of us if we don't get our supplies. For me and some of my batch mates, getting COVID-19 from our patients isn't a matter of if, but a matter when.

Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
We already know the solution

We need more medical supplies, and we need more infrastructures producing them.
Mobilizing the army to build temporary hospital to mitigate surge demands will help.
Nationalizing companies like Tesla to build ventilators would help even more.

We also need to do a lot more testing. We're lagging behind because for some reason the US rejected the WHO protocol and opted to make their own, which failed. And we don't have enough equipment, don't have enough people and don't have enough capacity"
"The truth is... we've under-invested in the public health labs." - CDC Director Robert Redfield

We also need people to stay home, but many can't do that because they need an income.
Mandatory paid leave would solve this, but the current incarnation of the bill is not enough.
You need a lot more than $1000 if you're going to spend the next months trying to flatten the curve at home.

There will be politician who look at these things and go, "no way I'm voting for that"
Everyone agrees something must be done, but they don't agree on the specifics.

That's why the bickering continues

The fact that there's still even apparently college students YOLOing in Florida on spring break doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that Americans are taking this seriously.
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