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Old 2020-03-21, 12:33   Link #240
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Guide to the new normal in a pandemic.

1. Social distancing. Most of us are not billionaries who no doubt are already living in a private island, but we can do an effort to be at least 2 meters from other people outside our household.

2. Take as much sunglight as posible. The human skin needs ultraviolet light to produce vitamin D which helps fight infections.

3. Don't be Zinc deficient. You will need it to fight covid-19 specifically.

4. Set your blu-ray, android, etc. box to 720p or less. Streaming can keeps us from thinking about the pandemic, but the internet might break down, in europe the principal streaming services are already limiting the badnwidth of videos, but who knows if common sense will prevail everywhere and internet infrastructure varies depending on where you live.

5. Frugality is your friend. The economy is going down the dumps, it is time to start cooking at home instead of buying already made unhealthy food.
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