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Old 2020-04-25, 17:30   Link #370
kari-no-sugata II
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Join Date: Oct 2015
Originally Posted by Magin View Post
This isn't really related to the election itself, but it's very political and goes in-depth about what I believe is the REAL problem of America that Trump has simply taken advantage of and inflamed (hint, it's not racism, even though racism is part of it... it's something that EVERY country arguably faces, and because America is so big, and in the day and age of the internet, it gets magnified 1000x)

Yes, it's a good 15~20 minute read and craps on those who would identify as liberal... but they're the ones who need to read it the most too.

What Liberals don't realize
Somewhat reminds me of the situation in the UK. Obviously it doesn't have the clear political rural divide that the USA has (at least not anymore). But during the Blair years, Labour ("New Labour") paid less attention to their "base" - sometimes called the working class but basically lower educated voters. Being increasingly ignored, their base started ignoring Labour over time in return, generally not voting at all. Many of them started voting for UKIP (UK Independence Party) when that became a big thing. Labour became increasingly dominated by the urban elite, as they saw it. The big win in the 2019 by the Conservatives has basically been in motion for 20 years, with many of Labour's old base voting Conservative for the first time in their lives. The more the liberal types equated Brexit with racism the more that pissed off such voters.

In short, ignore voters and they'll ignore you. Don't talk down to them. Don't try to guilt trip them or preach to them.
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