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Old 2020-04-26, 01:09   Link #376
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Where magic is real
Age: 35
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You're right. It;s not perfect. I think everyone can agree that the current system needs a change. But to completely get rid of the EC is still a bad idea. Because there's a very good reason why, as unfortunate as it is, that one vote in Montana has equal power: Resources.

Actually, it's better to compare it to Nebraska or Iowa. You might have more people on the coasts of California or along New York/The Tri-State area... but you don't have land. Land remains an INCREDIBLY valuable resource. Not just for building and real estate, but for food production. If someone in a rural area ultimately feels like they're getting fucked over, they can choose to simply destroy their crops, or at least hold on to just enough for themselves and their families. In fact, I'm already hearing about dairy farmers dumping their milk because of prices. And this happens more frequently than you might realize.

It's why it's on "liberals" to understand "conservatives"- like it or not, the people who generally identify as "conservative" are also responsible for the food at your table, and that's a basic human necessity.
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