Thread: Licensed Log Horizon (novel)
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Old 2020-05-13, 15:54   Link #4294
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Join Date: Aug 2011
So all of this was likely caused by them just tripping themselves over for the past 2 years, due to no communication. How infuriating.

Originally Posted by DQueenie13 View Post
That's a non-issue, because that's always where the Log Horizon anime's aired.
Yeah sure, if you're okay with them toning it down (censor it, in other words) so that it's viable for kids to watch when it's for a more mature audience. Leaving out the more mature content and in a way, holding it's potential back. Especially on parts where the characters are making contact with their hits, which weren't actually shown in the anime.

One example; when Henrietta slapped Shiroe during the Shibuya Raid to help straighten his head. Instead of actually showing her slapping him, the camera just switches on over to Soujiro and Nureha who are looking at them as the "slapping" sound is heard. And then it switches back to Henrietta and Shiroe after she slapped him.

Or how about when Akatsuki hits Naotsugu before he finishes his obscene lines? That in itself is a form of censorship, too. Because Akatsuki cuts him off. Unlike in the Light Novels where he finishes his lines, but they still aggravated her.

But going back to the hits themselves; in some of them, instead of actually showing Akatsuki hitting Naotsugu, the screen cuts into a "flashy" fill in (black screen filled with pink shurikens) and then it goes back to showing Akatsuki and Naotsugu right after she hits him.

And those are just some, they did similar things like those in their action sequences. A possible way to censor it so that it's okay for Kids to watch because again, Log Horizon's been airing on a Kid's channel and not on your typical anime timeslot(s).

I'd go on more about that, but it would be more fitting for the anime thread instead. So I'll stop here.

Last edited by DarkJak2050; 2020-05-13 at 16:56.
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