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Old 2020-06-21, 02:57   Link #242
Moving in circles
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 49
I'm with Frontier on this one.

I disagree that the outcome, with Rikuo ending up with Haru, was "manufactured". There have been hints all along that Rikuo was harbouring feelings for Haru that he was trying to deny. For example, in that episode when he was sorting out his old college photos, he suddenly thought about Haru.

And then there was the occasion when Shinako outright asked him why he seemed so reserved when interacting with her, and wondered aloud if it's because of Haru. Very tellingly, Rikuo was at a loss for words, and he didn't deny that accusation.

As someone who has been strongly rooting for Rikuo and Shinako from the outset, I get how disappointing the outcome is. To be sure, I was heartbroken when I got to this point in the manga. But I accept it for it is.

It's been clear for a while that things were not going well for the both of them. What's not so clear, perhaps, is why it was not going well.

Everyone thinks that it's because of Shinako and her indecisiveness. But I've also noticed that the people who feel this way tend to be strong supporters of Haru, so I think it's more than likely that some kind of bias is at work here.

But the problem is that it wasn't just Shinako who wasn't being honest with her feelings, but also Rikuo as well. And what we got in the final episode is Rikuo admitting that, in the end, he liked getting attention and kind treatment from female friends. And he wasn't sure whether the emotions he felt as a result was love.

Sound familiar? That's the same dilemma that Shinako felt. She knew that she liked Rikuo, but she wasn't sure if that was love. And given that she did want to move on from Yuu, she decided in the end to give it a try. It didn't work out, but at least she gave it an attempt. Many viewers seem to think that was selfish of her. Personally, I don't see why that should be the case. But, of course, I'm probably biased as well.

There are so many thoughts that I've been wanting to get off my chest since I finished reading the story two weeks back, and I find that very remarkable. It's been a very long time since an anime has affected me as much as this, to the point where I was depressed for a couple of days, as I mulled over what happened.

I would say that the anime handled the story as well as it could. And, if it helps, it's worth noting that the ending here is far from an "ass-pull". It was in fact suggested by Kei Toume herself, when the production staff consulted with her on possible ways to end the anime. Details on this can actually be found on the anime's official website, under the interviews section. It's all in Japanese of course. I read what I could with the help of Google Translate. I would recommend a visit as well, if you've got any burning questions that need answering.
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