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Old 2020-07-03, 17:33   Link #13
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
So this series is what happens when you take the Super Sentai concept, add a dash of Harem, and the make main gimmick the heroes' libido as a weapon against monsters with all the eroticism that entails. Watching the serious Sentai-esque story balanced with the actual pervetedness was pretty amusing .

Ah, "Retto" because he's the Red Ranger. Clever .

So will the Finishing Moves always lead our heroes standing proudly in the buff? Or will that be fixed once they get their official uniforms from the Opening? A part of me hopes it's the former .

Don't rob those idol fans of their beloved sexy idol and her wardrobe malfunctions! Although considering how degrading that might be, maybe it's for the best the girl gets a "real job" .

Shizuka Ito as the monster of the week! I feel like I've seen that before (or at least she's been a villain in a Sentai-esque show. She's probably been in PreCure). It also seems like all the villainous aliens are female, which...makes me wonder what this show is trying to say there .

I wonder what the team dynamic is going to be like with the HxEros. Obviously Retto and Hoshina are the main pair/couple and it's pretty clear they still have feelings for each other, and they're relationship is featured heavily in the Opening, but I can't imagine Retto living with the other girls and this team running on pervertedness won't lead to some sexy shenanigans. Maybe it will be less love shenanigans and more the other girls need to get into compromising situations with Retto to boost him up and make Hoshino jealous .

I was wondering what happened to Hoshino, since it didn't seem like she lost her love or sexual desire so much as just repressed it, but then it turns out that even as a child she was so perverted that just absorbing a little of that was enough to leave her unaffected and blow the monster up. I mean, I could tell she knew what she wanted when she was intimately locking hands with Retto for practice, but not to that extent .

But figures that getting called out for being a gigantic pervert as a kid would make her pull a complete 180 to try and deny it. I guess the main thrust will be Hoshino having to accept and embrace her feelings again and be open about it. Which will probably mean more moments with Retto .

"The word "Hero" is made from "H" and "Ero"' I really want to meet the person who said that .

I love how the Opening is like this classic Sentai Opening but it's for an Erotic Sentai. I mean, look at the girls in their lovely and sexy outfits. None of them are even wearing pants (although Momoka's got a shorts thing going on with he leotard). But otherwise looks like can look forward to fun action, cute girls in sexy outfits, and plenty of erotic behavior from this group .
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