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Old 2020-07-15, 18:11   Link #37
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Join Date: Aug 2013
It's nice to see Crusch get a good sendoff from the Emilia camp. With Crusch's old personality being what it was and the Royal Selection, I'm not sure if they could have so warmly said farewells to each other before, so maybe something positive can come out of her memory loss .

And Subaru gets to keep his loyal steed Patrasche! That's a win all-around .

It is kind of selfish to say you equally love two women at the same time, but somehow I can't fault Subaru for it given how earnest he is about and what those girls have done for him .

Way to ruin the mood Otto .

We lose Rem but gain another good-looking and steadfast maid in Frederica, who was apparently the loyal Roswaal retainer who taught the twins everything they know. On-top of that she has such a serene and soothing voice courtesy of Kaori Nazuka. I am really curious what "personal business" kept her way from so long .

So apparently without Rem's existence the upkeep of the mansion has gone down the drain, so Ram had to call back Frederica. It's just really weird to see how the universe has had to "adjust" itself after what Gluttony did to Rem. And, seriously, how are they going to explain all this to Ram? I don't envy that talk .

I have so many questions about Beatrice and her connection to what's going on now. Not only did she apparently know Petelgeuse, enough to where she had an affectionate nickname for him and seemed shaken that Subaru killed him, but she seems to know way more about the Witch and her cult than she let on before (even down to the fact that Petelgeuse was Sloth and that was his gospel Subaru had) .

Emilia sings Subaru's praises when he's not around? That's sweet. Maybe Subaru's efforts are paying off more than he realized ?

Petra! In a maid outfit! And she looked absolutely adorable. The Roswaal Manor has found a new super-cute maid to work there. Petra's earnestness is still super-endearing, and her little "lady's favor" to Subaru when they saw him and Emilia off was really sweet .

Roswaal seems to have planned for everything, right down to sending off Subaru and Emilia to Sanctuary. Was the plan for Emilia to face off with Echidna and Subaru got in the way? Emilia fainted right afterwards, so was that supposed to happen? And where the heck is Puck ?

Of course, in true Re:Zero fashion, nothing is ever so simple as our heroes' quest to Sanctuary gets interrupted and teleport's Subaru somewhere else (unless that is Sanctuary), where he stumbles upon a pink-haired elf girl and none other than the Witch of Greed, Echidna. I guess we now know why Beako was expecting Subaru to finally get some answers, because who better to explain it to him but a Witch like Satella ?

When I saw most of the initial promotion for season 2, I thought Echidna was actually Satella given how much she looks like an older Emilia, but I guess she doesn't have the elf ears like Emilia/Satella do. I'm really curious to see what Echidna's deal is and what she's after, because I don't think someone becomes a "Witch" if they're naturally a good person. I wouldn't be surprised if she gives Subaru some answers but strings him along for her own gain. I've learned better than to trust sexy, regal, and smiling adult women voiced by Maaya Sakamoto .

Konomi Suzuki returns for another exciting Opening! With plenty of new scenes to leave viewers guessing at the content of this season. We have images of Tokyo and what I assume are Subaru's parents (flashbacks?), a chronicling of all of Subaru's major deaths up to this point, the Sin Archbishops (with a new blue-haired girl and Elsa, so does that make them Wrath and Lust respectively?), Federica and some blonde dude, and of course Subaru charging forward to save those he cares about no matter how many times he has to die. All the while Echidna appears to be watching over everything with a smile on her face .
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