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Old 2020-09-02, 12:42   Link #220
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Portugal
My goodness. This was yet another great episode.

We get to see three (four, actually) of the other witches.
The Witch of Pride, Typhon is childish and and friendly looking, but her power breaks people depending on their sins...making her a sort of judge, jury and executioner based on what I assume is her view of right and wrong?

After Typhon, in came my favorite (aside from Echidna) so far, Minerva, the Witch of Wrath...who has quite the interesting ability to heal people by punching them. She seemed to act like a tsundere tho

Then there's Daphne, the Witch of Gluttony, who Subaru actually wanted to talk with.
She...has an interesting philosophy/view on life: Eat or be eaten, fight to survive.
Daphne's the one behind the creation of the three great mabeasts, with the logic behind them being that they could feed many people...but you'd need to kill them first, which is clearly a problem seeing as they've lived for 400 years.
Daphne gave Subaru some valuable info on the Great Rabbit's behavior, so all he needs to do is find a way to take them all out.

And then the worst happened as Subaru left the tea party. The outside was overrun with darkness...only to be revealed that it was the Witch of Envy, who proceed to say "I love you" to Subaru, over and over again, then embraces him and slowly covers him in darkness.
Luckly, Garfiel pops up just in time to save Subaru and jumps all the way to a safe place.

Meanwhile, Roswaal monologues what seems to be him pretty much admiting of knowing Subaru can rewind time, and shows that he has the other copy of the perfect gospel.

.......Well, things just took quite the turn, eh?

Last edited by FlameSparkZ; 2020-09-02 at 14:44.
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