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Old 2006-08-11, 10:09   Link #17
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
Sorry to double post, but at some point or another the Sony Entertainment website got updated. I guess it was soem time ago... You can see what the main characters look like. Do not be fooled by the lady character, that is a guy, voiced by Shinichiro Miki (Otogizoushi... Mansaicoatu ;x)

My first impression on seeing the first 4 characters in that order was "Cowboy Bebop in Olde Japan" - the old guy reminds me of Jet and the womanly looking person could've been Faye, while the kiddo would be Edward (and guess what, she's brought up as a guy!) And that leaves the main character, Yaran- I mean, Yukiatsu Ryuudou, as Spike... well, he's voiced by Keiji Fujiwara at least, if it was Kouichi Yamadera I'll go laugh in a corner

Yoshikazu Miyao - who I remember as doing mech designs for Melody of Oblivion, and the assistant director of Gad Guard (where the director is the same here, Hiroshi Nishikiori) - is the assistant director here too. We'll see how he fares... I haven't watched Gad Guard except for the excellent OP and ED - I hope this has equally high production quality. No wait, it's BONES, it'd probably have just as good quality I guess

I don't know if it interests anyone that Ko Otani is doing the music, but I remember liking the Haibane Renmei music.

Other than that there isn't anything else it seems.
Thanks for the fish
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