Thread: Licensed Shokugeki no Soma [Manga]
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Old 2020-10-24, 22:49   Link #19646
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
I came here looking for Gou no Sara threads but can't seem to find any. This manga thread is the most recent SnS related thing so figured I'd check it.

I had forgotten the show, then was happy to see I had a whole new season to watch. The nice thing about forgetting it, no week to week wait. I had a bunch of eps to watch! Yay! I watch the first ep. Happy happy, Nikumi getting a lot of screen time, goody. Nice ensemble episode. I watch the second ep. What? BLUE prelims done in just over 13 minutes? That's disappointing I expected way more cooking/dish detail but ah well, that's what BLUE itself will likely bring. Then the Asahi thing. Eh? Well, that's a little cheesy. "It'll probably get better". I watch ep three and now we have evil chefs breaking into Erina's room at night (eyeroll extreme) led by super villain Asahi who tells Erina if he wins a cooking competition she has to marry him.

I'm waiting for her to say "Are you out of your !@#%$ mind? You're a criminal, or at least an associate of criminals, you are disrespecting my beloved Tōtsuki, you lied to get a job here and you expect me to base a marital relationship that will affect the rest of my life with a man I know next to nothing about on a !@#&%$ cooking competition?? GTFO" then call the cops and fire him lol. Instead I get angry acquiesce from a character previous written to be intelligent. (facepalm)

Reading this thread, I see my decision to drop it at that point is likely saving me the pain of watching a show I really liked go down in ignominious flames. Saddens me, I really liked the show. I even had a few custom Yukihira uniform shirts made a couple years back, lol.

I'll just content myself with pretending the show ended when Erina "took the throne" at Tōtsuki
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