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Old 2020-11-06, 16:56   Link #220
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
Pretty much my point hence why I used quotes there. In general, Mion acting as Shion can be idenitified with either 1) OOC behaviour (extremely awkward with Keiichi) 2) accidental slip up (Reacting to Keiichi's call out for Mion).
Though, Shion has her own set of awkward reactions towards Keiichi, especially in the beginning.
Shion is behaving rather irrational in this, even by her standards.

Also seriously... The entire town bands up together to help Keiichi when someone asks him for compensation, after damaging their property, but does nothing to help Shion?

What I'm currently trying to find out is when we've seen Shion being Shion and when Mion.

The initial reaction points towards Shion, as I doubt it would be the first time they've actually met.

Doll: Shion
Angel Mort: Shion/Mion, probably Mion
Way Home: Same sister he met in Angel Mort, otherwise blushing wouldn't make sense.
Bento: According to both of them that was Mion.(To confuse people: In other words, actually Shion.)
Class next day: Shion

Angel Mort: Shion
Angel Mort2: Shion
Temple, Construction: Shion? She was a bit too composed given the day before.
Tea-Scene: Both as themselves
Storehousel: Shion

Generally, they seem to have reversed their rolls on at least one occasion, compared to the original. Otherwise, showing us the entire thing again would be pointless.

This makes me wonder what else might be different in this shard...
First off, whether Shionn actually means what she is saying when saying she got a gift from he beloved.

Perhaps this might be a shard where Mion and Shion have been confused, have not been confused at the time, and Shion is actually wearing the tattoo too.
It could also be one where Mion is the one going stage 5, when Shion steals Keiichi . In any event, there is no telling what it is about the guy shion actually liked in this shard. Though, one would have to ask what her point is in showing him her families torture tools then.
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.

Last edited by AC-Phoenix; 2020-11-07 at 11:40.
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