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Old 2021-01-08, 16:24   Link #10
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Yeah, I really like the pacing here; hope it continues. So far the only thing I noticed they cut/changed was in the cumulonimbus spell. The test wasn't just to cast it, but to maintain it for a full hour as a demonstration of both casting ability and magic capacity. Instead of just building a thunderstorm and constantly forcing magic in to maintain it, Rudy went and made a supercell with a rotating updraft strong enough to maintain the storm for at least an hour without any additional help. Upon realizing the structure and how it maintained the storm, Roxy didn't even bother waiting the hour.

And yeah, the sex was a surprise. I recalled the parents banging every chance they got even in the manga (more informed than shown there), but they even had Roxy masturbating outside, which was indeed toned down in the manga.

In any case, they're going a lot harder on the hero's painful past here. He was scum in his past life, but that was at least half done to him with stuff like we saw here. Really no wonder he'd lock himself in and be terrified of even leaving his room. That said, given that he skipped his parents' funeral and instead sat there jerking off to loli hentai, there's no surprise his brothers and sisters would kick him out like that. Isekai heroes tend more often to have fairly "normal" (read mildly popular and happy) pasts, so showing one whose life was so awful and left so much trauma makes this somewhat unique all on its own.
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