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Old 2021-01-17, 13:22   Link #82
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I knew our protagonist was kind of trashy, but masturbating in your room instead of going to your parents' be honest, I don't blame his (presumably) siblings for beating the tar out of him and kicking him out. But at least in the end he was a good enough man to push himself to save those kids .

Speaking of those kids, we've got two boys and a girl. We saw one of the boys in an ambulance after the accident, while the boy and girl were missing. They seemed to be arguing about something .

Well, Rudy's Rudy, his parents have a very active sex life (Rudy's little sister incoming?), Roxy masturbates to her host family having sex, and then Rudy enjoys watching Roxy masturbate. Is the maid the only one in this house who isn't horny ?

Roxy is a demon? She definitely doesn't look the stereotype, but it seems like humanity and the demons were able to come together after the war. Well, all of them except the Superd .

So it seems like the major milestones in Rudy's life will be 5 (which he is now), 10, and 15. Roxy said she'll take his confession seriously when he's 10 years older, so I guess they'll reunite when he's 15 ?

Poor Roxy...questioning her own self-worth and whether she even deserves to be seen as Rudy's master when he's seemingly way more powerful and capable at magic than she is .

Well, looks like Rudy's taken to magic quicker than swordplay, but his dad doesn't seem like the most adept teacher. At least he got a nice sword for his birthday .

So Rudy was basically an overweight, Otaku, shut-in who was relentlessly bullied. I can't blame him for wanting to still just stay at home in his nice, pleasant, house with his family but it's not good to remain a shut-in your entire life, especially after being reincarnated .

Holy crud, Roxy killed the horse! Good thing she has healing magic .

Roxy may not have anything else left to teach Rudy, but she helped him overcome his trauma and move on from the person he used to be, and for that he will be eternally grateful towards her. She truly was his master .

When the maid catches you with stolen panties that you forgot about .

Well, looks like they're going the Re:Zero route of no Opening yet, but we did seemingly get the Ending, showing Rudy in his life and with the girls who he will meet (and will likely fall in love with him). One of which had green hair, so is she a Superd ?
He didn't just skip his parents' funeral, he was watching loli porn while masturbating. Apparently it was even worse in the WN. I'm not about to forgive him for wasting his time masturbating while they were having the funeral, but I kind of understand him not going. His high school life seriously traumatized him to the point that he couldn't leave the house without going into a panic; he probably couldn't go if he wanted.

Anyway, I actually think such disgusting beginnings help with a message here. No matter what you're like, even if you're the most awful, disgusting form of scum imaginable, with time and effort it's always possible to make a new man/woman of yourself. In that sense, it's really best that we see him throughout his childhood and adolescence. In a story about a guy struggling to make a better man of himself, you really can't just say "Ten years later" and have him suddenly be an awesome gentleman.
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