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Old 2021-02-01, 03:01   Link #140
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Jan-Poo View Post
Have you lost the point we are discussing here? If they obeyed Fritz it means they are going with his plan, the plan being letting the Eldian on Paradis live for a while in peace until the world autonomously decides to attack them and exterminate them.

You on the other hand are claiming that the Tybur do not care about the plan and only care about their own prosperity.
And have you noticed that the Tyburs aren't treated like the other Eldians? They're neither the Devils of Paradis, nor do they live in a ghetto. I'm betting no one would dare feed them to the dogs, either.

Well, he's going to be really comfortable in hell.
You can care about your own children, even be willing to die for them, and not give a good goddamn about anybody else.

And having someone eat a family member and die the same way 13 years later must have been totally fun for them.
And no it didn't have to be one of them to carry the titan power, they could have given it to another "warrior".
I'm not so sure about that. The Warhammer is part of their legend, as well as the fact they keep secret who has it.

They are not acting on self interest, they are acting to fulfill a mission. Being the occult leaders in the shadow is just a necessary part of that. And I'm not saying it's a good mission, it's a fucked up mission bordering insanity. But my point is not to claim that the Tyburs are good guys, the point is that Marley is just a tool for them, not their priority.
I have no doubt they'd be willing to throw Marley under the bus, too, to save themselves.
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