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Old 2021-02-03, 08:17   Link #9
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Thanks a lot for organizing this as usual.

I'm happy with most of the results. My only complaint would be GochiUsa ending up last in Relaxing and Carefree.

Oh, and the female VA award. I love Aoi Yuuki, but this didn't seem like a particularly strong year for her. I was also puzzled Miyuki Sawashiro was nominated since she was on maternity leave for most of the year and only had minor roles as far as I can remember. The one who impressed me the most last year would be Ayane Sakura as Rin in Blade of the Immortal, she delivered an incredible performance. I'd place Tomoyo Kurosawa second for her role in Akudama Drive, but I guess the one who had the overall strongest year was Inori Minase (Somali, Chino, the sleeping princess, Hestia, etc...).

Male VA, on the other hand, I would have been shocked if anyone other than him had won.
Rize and Kaneki
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