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Old 2021-07-03, 13:38   Link #7
Knowledge is the solution
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Age: 39
Indeed. People getting second chances is something that has become a reoccurring trope, but this series takes a more serious approach when it highlights that experience can only get you so far when you are lacking good fundamentals, and the protagonist coming to that realization early on is an important step.

Also, getting smacked in the face with people that possess raw talent in specific areas is a good wake up call. You have been given a second chance, but it means nothing if you don't have a radical change of mindset. Although many times we like to think that changing one big single event would have had a radical impact into our future (and often times that is indeed the case), more often it is the accumulation of small choices that reflect our mindset and way of thinking that have a larger impact. It would change little if Kyouya went through art school life without changing himself. It would seem that that will be a reoccurring theme which makes me very happy.
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