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Old 2021-09-06, 14:27   Link #227
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
It depends on a lot of factors, like the quality and design of the walls (and how well they were joined). No lord/king who could avoid it would set up a wall as flimsy as the adobe wall shown in that clip, and they would not readily let the cannons or trebuchets be brought that close. Typically it has multiple layers (large, hard and heavy stone blocks on the outside, front and back and smaller rocks and materials between). And there's a gap between a wall being damaged and being destroyed completely. It takes more than one shot to bring down anything that's even remotely well-made. The damage shown seems fairly close to what I'd expect really.
Yeah, I rewatched it earlier, and you do see the cannon ball. I was watching from 2.5 meters away where it looked like the ball had just burst and there was only a smudge without even a crater.

That being said, it's still a rather thin wall, so I'm still not completely happy with the damage.
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