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Old 2021-09-11, 14:56   Link #231
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Italy
Was she about to say how good her figure is outside that armor before Souma stopped her :P?
Well, even the armor cannot hide her pair of assets that seem on par with Aisha's...but unfortunately for her, no matter how beautiful she is, it seems Souma gives priority to maintaining his reputation as a king rather than adding a new girl to his harem.
One could say that Carla and Castor ended up as victims in Carmine's plot...but they were given chances to side with Souma and they refused, so now they have to face the consequences.
Speaking of Carmine, now that the truth has been revealed I hope people will appreciate his noble and heroic sacrifice.
On a lighter tone, one cannot help but notice the sexual dimorphism between males beastmen like Carmine and Beowulf and females like Tomoe and Kaede.
You will die, mortal
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