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Old 2006-08-16, 00:17   Link #3
Give me things to draw!!!
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Florida
Age: 35
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The Rika scene was pretty amazing. ^__^; I can't seem to stop saying "I can't wait to read the sound novel even more now" with all these scenes... gaah.

I'm terribly happy the production value was at least... higher than last episode. I reaaally hope the next episode has some quality from the first arcs... I don't want any lessening of the greatness I know it should be.

And goodness, I just have so much difficulty in choosing the order I like characters now. The only one I can say without any doubt to be on the top of the list is Mion... but really, Rika, Rena, Shion, and Satoko are so lovable. I get the feeling I'll like Satoko more next episode? *tear* I remember the days I hated Rika... *slowly stabs self crazily*
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