Thread: Genshin Impact
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Old 2021-09-30, 20:39   Link #517
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
Anyway, the real problem with this whole situation is that the "anniversary rewards are bad" rioters completely overshadowed all the more "serious" complaints there were, so MiHoYo's reaction was just to give candy to the crying babies. Now the people who actually *weren't* that mad about that but really wanted them to address other things are like "wait, but this wasn't actually about the anniversary rewards!" even though a lot of people thought it was. They were just focused on getting people as riled up as possible with a simple and easily-understood flashpoint, but without properly channeling that around a clear and and more comprehensive message. I personally don't feel as passionate about some of the other issues people are so mad about, but I think the way this blew up didn't work out the way they hoped.

A lot of this (maybe not all) was just normal moderation in line with the rules against spamming, and honestly no different than we mods would probably do here if people started that kind of mob. People are very quick to yell "censorship" all the time, and when they're mad about something they don't want to obey decorum... but it had definitely gone beyond "negative opinions" when the "censorship" (moderation) kicked in. People were creating duplicate threads or spamming identical emotes or drowning out other legitimate conversation just to be disruptive, and that's no longer just "negative opinion" territory. People were purposefully breaking the rules to make a point, and then acting like victims when the moderators did their job in enforcing the rules.

Again, not saying it was *all* this, and maybe some of the cases we could debate specifics, but a lot of it was the consequence of bad behavior rather than "bad opinion," and plenty of negative opinions were actually still being discussed as long as it was within the rules.
Totally happens way too often
Smash Bros, Pokemon... At that point, there is nothing else you can do but enjoy the fools making fools of themselves, perhaps because they only have negative effects on their cause

Companies like Cygames make more money during anniversaries than basically any other time of year because people showered with gifts are primed to spend (and they always have an abundance of carefully-timed bundles and promos that can only be obtained via paid currency while they shower people with free currency).
Like I always say, Cygames is only good at making money (everything else sucks, so...)

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