Thread: Licensed Berserk [Manga]
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Old 2004-01-08, 03:19   Link #75
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Age: 40
Don't mind my 2 cents... but

I simply must disagree about the rape seen not being 'a rape seen.'
Simply, Caska was too exausted, mentally and physically especially after Judo went down and the monsters started fondeling her. The monsters seemed to have their way(not penetration exactly) with her for quite some time.

I'm sure Caska was dipping into despair and Fempto was just the clincher. It was rape!
Monster apendages held her arms and tore at her skin, while she was powerless against a godlike being having his way with her, and I'm guessing it was all directed towards Guts.

Later, she simply had no power left, except to tell Guts not to watch. After Femto was done, she fell to the floor and passed out. It was rape.

The other affect comes later when she's revealed to be insane.
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