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Old 2021-10-14, 23:31   Link #57
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
Look at the screenshot below. Look at the radar operator with blue hair. Look at his radar monitor. There, you can see a sole red dot. The direction matches to where the fishing boat was approaching the Asian army. That was Kenbu that they detected on board the ship before they opened fire at it.

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See? I think they can detect Kenbu with their radar (or satellite whatever) just like how they detect other AMAIMs.
That is the boat I think. If they could detect AMAIMs that easily how did he get away in the first place?

So either they have some way to track AMAIMs with ease. Which will make any heroing the MC and friends do in the future impossible. Or they have so much surveillance on the Japan that they can pick out one boat(in the incredibly large area he could have been moving in) as holding terrorists with basically no evidence. Which will make any heroing the MC and friends do in the future impossible. Or they found him because the plot needed it and him and his friends will be able to hide from them with no problems in the future. Which one would you want to bet on?
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