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Old 2021-10-25, 22:21   Link #73
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
That was a ridiculously reckless move that "probably" got Amou's pseudo big sister blown up. The idea of people that aren't in mech suits offering support/distraction out of necessity is pretty familiar for the genre. But I feel like the show is just missing the mark on things like this. They have two excellent units on their side and only one attacker at present. As of that moment Amou looked to be doing fine. There wasn't a clear need yet to recklessly try to distract the enemy. All the more so when that move is more likely to distract your allies!

I know they have a history with that thing, but there's offering support and pointlessly throwing lives away. And that attack was definitely in the latter category. Making that move later in the episode when it was getting some good hits in and Gashin was being reckless would have fit better. I don't mind it since I get what they were going for. Need to give Amou a tragedy to get him locked into this conflict and more fully aligned with the terrorists/freedom fighters. It just would have been nice if they really made it work a bit better.

I'll just go with "sure" at this guy walking around a battlefield that was a mess and able to make out the entire fight between the various units and even writing up specs for them based on that . And I thought Aragorn in LOTR had some special skills .
I think that is my biggest problem with the show so far. They have a bunch of mecha tropes they want to cram into the show and they are not putting much effort into making any of them fit into the story. The girl acted like an idiot because they needed her dead. The MC just happened to find a secret factory and super AI because he had to and so on.
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