Thread: Licensed Puraore! Pride of Orange
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Old 2021-12-02, 20:43   Link #26
User of the "Fast Draw"
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I'll at least give the coach props for actually benching Naomi. Though probably should have done that earlier, but still better than not doing it. Probably should have also broken up the lines a bit. Move Yu up to another line since the new girls are utterly not there after the injury. Yu at least is experienced enough to not let that completely kill her focus.

It really shows how bad the Dream Monkeys are though. They lose one rookie and the whole team can't do anything. It's a situation like that where the more experienced characters should be stepping up, but at best they can just keep it from getting worse. Although it would be weird to have characters we don't even know help steady things.

That's just the sacrifice they decided to make. Main characters got to drive the show after all.

Will admit it was fun seeing Yu chewing out her old team actually being proven right. They are just a weak-minded group that just leave everything to their star player and coast along. Lose that player and they fall apart since they don't know how to actually try.
Originally Posted by Master_Yoma View Post
Well its good to see Naomi grow a little and stop relying on Riko an making some good plays because of it
I'm fine with that, although it probably should go the other way too. We are talking about the girl who literally quit hockey because Naomi wasn't playing it anymore. And then only resumed playing it after guilt tripping Naomi into playing.

Honestly I'd say the focus of the episode is the exact opposite. These two are becoming more reliant on each other rather than less. Neither has enough passion for the sport itself to stick with it if the other wasn't there. Really the theme was just Naomi giving her all and being less reserved. Giving maximum effort so they can she can rely more on Riko to enjoy playing .
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