Thread: Crunchyroll Yuri!!! on Ice
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Old 2022-02-13, 22:36   Link #451
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
Nathan Chen delivers a powerhouse free-skate performance to win Olympic gold.

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Nothing against Nathan but would have been better if the ISU did not try their hardest to suppress Yuzu with underscoring and pressure to retire in favor of their preferred contestants each time before then casting them aside once the next big star comes along. Or the media/propaganda circus and smear campaigns that came along with it.

I really cannot take FS medal results seriously since a very long time and am in it purely for the athletes' individual performances. Seriously, you can pull almost a perfect 4A, the closest anyone has come to it yet, and the ISU will overscore your team mate to knock you off the podium and the media will still somehow criticize you for the "failure" or publish low effort political hit pieces implying how Chinese fans should not support Hanyu over Chen and that they do so because of nationalist reasons (which makes no sense since he is Japanese of all things...). Just look at the short program where they essentially sealed the deal. One unlucky hole in the ice + massively skewed scoring means even with a clean skate in everything else, Hanyu will have almost minimal chance of podium let alone retaining his title....And he actually almost podium-ed if not for Shoma being overscored heavily.

FS is even more borked than gymnastics. The real test for Nathan Chen comes now if the ISU and American skate federation tires of him and he can overcome those currents to retain his title. Unlike the more bitter Yuzu fanbase I actually have nothing against Chen but the system backing him is hopelessly rotten. People look at Eteri's slave driver training methods of the Russian girls but don't realize America uses just as underhanded methods to attempt to control the tournament

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2022-02-13 at 23:07.
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