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Old 2022-02-25, 03:53   Link #100
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
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Originally Posted by mangamuscle View Post

You are mistaken, the size of Russia's economy is a little bigger than that of my country (an we would have surpassed them years ago if politicians here weren't so corrupt, inept and even malicious).

There are only two things big about Russia, their territory and their nuclear arsenal. Remove the later one and their #2 spot as the worlds most powerful army would crumble.
I feel like this is the key.

If the US (or really, The UN) REALLY wanted to, they could step in and do something. unfortunately, for the ast ~70 years, we've been living in a MAD world- both ways, though I'll spell it out and say Mutually Assured Destruction. Anyone who COULD stand up to Russia... would cause all the nuclear arsenals to be launched or some such. And that's not the worst part; the worst part is that the Atomic Bomb is child's play compared to what we're capable of now.

No, the UN and the West would rather see Ukraine fall than risk nuclear warfare. Hell, I'm pretty sure NATO's whole reason for existence is to PREVENT nuclear war- anything else goes so long as we aren't launching nukes. We're about to find out just how miserably NATO may have failed, though.

One more thing I'm half curious about... Putin IS getting up in age- he turns 70 this year. That's... a bit on the older side. While I'm certain that just like Crimea, he's seeing just how much he can get away with... another part of me wonders if he's at the point where he's going "Fuck it, we're all gonna die soon anyways. Might just as well speed up the process so I can die with all my power and money" or some such line of thinking.
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