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Old 2022-03-27, 01:37   Link #91
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by OH&S View Post
I suppose if you're speaking generally then sure. But that was true the entire time, so nothing's really changed.
Luffy had the capability of unlocking the power of imagination this whole time? I bet you didn't know it through 1000+ chapters until a few days ago. The people who keep saying "nothing's changed" are just strange to me. If you like it, that's totally fine, but things have certainly changed...

I'm personally more interested in your take regarding this:
I think Oda will eventually describe it as an inherited will thing similar to Naruto which is why people are making the connection. This is yet another retcon because we never saw people's wills altered from eating their DFs. Take the CP9 characters in Water 7 for instance since we literally saw them eat the fruits, and a zoan at that. They were the exact same characters after eating the fruits +the new power. Now Oda is introducing this inherited will thing which I assume will only be for the Nika DF but who knows at this point

Are you willing to bite the bullet and admit that "putting smiles on faces far and wide" and "the embodiment of the warrior of liberation" describe Luffy's character up until now?
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