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Old 2022-04-16, 09:10   Link #10
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Nice to see people actually thinking positively about this. Often, I hear people bring up this series as an example of worthless schlock or other such stuff. Often time by people who want to delude themselves into believing that something they like is a lot better than it really is. Truth is, there are very few incredible works. Those works are like a gourmet feast, with every bit handcrafted to fill the mouth with a plethora of incredible tastes that just grow deeper as you savor it. Smartphone is pizza from Pizza Hut. But you know what? While people may walk away from the Hut when they get invited to such a feast, they'll be back in no time, because you know what? This pizza is still pretty darn good.

I just hope we don't have any of those idiots that come in to every thread on isekai works (new or sequel) for no other reason than to say "Isekai is trash" or "bottom of the barrel" or other such stuff. I'm sorry, but if that's all you have to say, we've already heard it. And those complaints aren't going to bring any of the stuff you really want in faster, just like nothing I say or do can get me another season or three of March Comes in Like a Lion. But again, while I'd happily watch a new ep of Lion before a new ep of Smartphone, you better believe I'll be watching and very much enjoying Smartphone as well.
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