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Old 2022-10-01, 23:44   Link #17
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Solid first episode. I am surprised they revealed so much within the single episode. I'd figure that some of these mysteries would be dragged out for a good while. But instead there's quite a bit revealed right away.

Shouxue is a pretty likable heroine. Can get a good idea of her past and everything else just from this episode. And definitely quite the heritage being a descendant of a survivor of a purge. Understandable that she'd have that reaction at the end of the episode. Thankfully for her it isn't like the Emperor is going to flip out over this. And the ship seems to be set pretty well between them.

I do respect that he's trying to take down that Empress Dowager with logic and law. She definitely was involved and was a scumbag. So in a sense it would be fine to just frame her for something and end her. But I respect that he wants to actually bring her down with her own real crimes. He still wants her dead, just through real crimes and real evidence.
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