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Old 2022-10-12, 22:34   Link #76
Crazy Devout Fanboy
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: 1st Ra Cailum-class battleship Ra Cailum, port-side officer's bunks
Sadly there is a drop-off in animation but not severe, though admittedly it’s hard to be disappointed after seeing cabbage.

50 points if you get that reference.

………..and now I feel old……………

But we’ve still got good material going.

Spoiler for sort of:

Sadly, the bad part about reading a manga that’s ahead of the anime is that you find yourself waiting for certain scenes to come instead of just simply waiting for the next episode……. *sob*

Originally Posted by Ghostfriendly View Post
Posts trying to claim that this show has a novel premise miss the point; combining cliched elements in an less hackneyed combination is still an Isekai made up entirely of cliches, and not well-used or beloved ones.
And? At this point nothing in anime is not cliche in some way; I just got done pointing out in the Gundam section how the newest series is using the done-to-death academy with duels setting, and it even had the equally cliched episode 1: overpowered transfer student easily crushing the loud, arrogant bully in said duel. Nobody is hating it over there, they even like it. And I honestly don’t hate it either, I just really don’t think a big-project anime should be recycling a setting we see two or three times each season, but anyway…..

Fran quickly takes over from sword as another tedious overpowered MC, still quite dependent on sword powers. She's cute, but no Kana Kamui, showing the emotional depth of a puddle in response to horrible experiences. Other weapons having greater base strength than the sword was a decent idea, ruined by sword and Fran fussing over a problem that's predictably insignificant. Human guard failing to deal with a few goblins so Fran can slaughter them was very clumsy; Fran exclusively facing prejudice this ep from other beastpeople isn't a good representation of the real, full problem. The receptionist should've been able to threaten guild sanctions before the very tedious fight at the end ever happened. The main fight with the ogre was kinetic and not altogether bad, but nigh-unlimited magic makes a nonsense of tactics.
Either you’re missing important facts yourself or you’re deliberately ignoring said facts to try and bolster your argument. It’s already been pointed out that her dulled emotional state is due to her years as a slave, and she’s only 12 years old. So there’s that. And even then we see in episodes 2 and 3 that she still emotions, plus the fact that she gets so happy and giddy over a simple lodge room is because her years as a slave deprived her of many things in life. This is also pointed out.
Fran and Teach realized that “nigh-unlimited” magic wouldn’t mean squat if they let the fight against Donadolondo (what a name) go on for too long.

If Fran was Raphtalia, this show would be as unfit for human consumption as Shield Hero. Her having been a slave and continuing to be dependent on sword-guy's OP JPG powers are lesser offences, but they are offences, as I've plainly stated already.
I have to question various things if this is what you consider “offensive” or “unfit for human consumption.” And seeing as you’re the only one offended by anything here, I’d say there aren’t actually any offenses here at all.

You don’t like it? Perfectly fine, that’s your choice and your opinion. Don’t talk like that opinion is fact, though.

Overpowered protagonists and JPG mechanics poorly reflect any real or believable situation, destroying narrative tension and WSOD. Overpowered male protagonists from the target-audience ethnic group, deliberated inserted into a foreign setting as a 'white-saviour' represent a toxic male and culturally chauvinist fantasy, and all these elements, along with European fantasy settings, have been done to death. Prejudice is dislike without reason; if Isekai stories have these genuine flaws, criticism of them isn't prejudice. Some of them pull it off, like Log Horizon, but not this one.
……, those are some impressive sexist mental gymnastics you’ve pulled off.
If you really think this is all about Teach the Saviour……….…. *laughs hysterically*
I really hope we get a second season so you see just how delusional you’re being. There will still be good scenes in this one.

Very few shows are made with the primary motive of attacking women, rather than pandering to societal prejudice. I said clearly that male mentors reflect a societal problem rather than necessarily being a problem; this male mentor is problem for reasons given in previous post, which all stem from the same societal chauvinism that the default to male mentor-female mentee reflects.
*again laughs hysterically*

I finished my response because I was already well into it before I realized this, but Ghost is pretty sexist (just like racism, it goes both ways) and this will be all I put up with that foolishness. Ghost, you really need to just stop watching the show because you’re clearly biased and have no intention of seeing anything other than your side, even when the truth will come and kick you in the face here. (especially if they make a second season)

Last edited by Shinji103; 2022-10-12 at 22:50.
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